The end of the 80's and an addiction is born!
Later on while in High School (shortly after the house fire), Aaron received a box full of comics from a friend. Aaron read through those books as interested as could be.
One day while out eating with his mother in Fresno, Aaron was looking through the comic rack at the store and saw the comic book 'G.I. Joe' issue 58 (with Cobra Commanders new armor,pictured to the right). Deciding to pick it up, Aaron read through it and was hooked. Thus was born Aaron's obsession (though obsession might be too strong of a word, no, I guess it's not...) with comic books.
He then picked up the Transformers: HeadMasters series (as he was a fan of the Transformers cartoon). That led in to the Transformers actual comic book. While in a comic shop looking for back issues of both Transformers and G.I. Joe, Aaron saw a Christmas issue of Amazing Spider-man (drawn by Todd McFarlane). Very impressed with the cover (Peter and MJ being kicked out of their apartment, with a goodwill Santa out front), he bought it. One thing led to another and soon he was collecting many, many comic books.

Aaron continued to live in Chowchilla and while attending High School, he worked at Mountain Mike's Pizza (another of Aaron's loves... PIZZA). Aaron ended up graduating from Chowchilla Union High School in June of 1988.
The next year he went to Merced Jr. College (taking a law and a computer class, besides the normal mandatory classes). The next year Aaron moved to Merced with a couple of buddies of his (Dee, Ray and Jake). Living in Merced, Aaron worked at a newspaper as a telemarketer, having people sign petitions, and at Burger King. Having problems earning enough money to stay there, he eventually moved back to Chowchilla, where he ended up moving back in with a couple of his buddies (Dee and Ray again).
Aaron lived with Dee and Ray for a couple of short years (and they had a couple of different roommates move in and out). While living together they had a series of mis-adventures (driving around Fresno looking for the black stone, Bop and the fly dipped fries, all of their wacky homemade movies, almost getting a beat down by drunk rednecks, the old lady and the hoedown, etc). Good times, good times.
Eventually they had to move out (which means Aaron moved back home to mom's).
© Aaron *Brother Head* Moss 2020