Co-hosts and Guests
Over the years, I've had many co-hosts and guests on my various shows. Here is a list of them and where you can locate them if you wish to contact them or hear more about them. (information still being updated)
In addition, I want to thank everyone that has been a host or a guest on any of my shows. I appreciate you all. Thank you.

G.I. Joe: A Real American Headcast

The Star Bright Project
G.I. Joe: The Energon Protocols

Erik Smith
DM Extraordinaire plus guest on G.I. Joe: A Real American Headcast
Erik is a professional GM that resides on If you like what he's doing here, check out the site and leave him a review:​

Ryan Costello
Ryan is a co-designer of the Essence20 system and author on the G.I. JOE RPG Core Rulebook and other Essence20 sourcebooks used in our sessions. He is also a part of the Know Direction Network. Check him out over there.
And thank you Ryan for your work on the game and the gaming system. It's fantastic.

Aaron Moss aka Brother Head
Hardman / Stealthmode
Podcaster, geek, comic collector, roleplayer. Well, if you're here, I'm sure you know who I am.

Eric Ergen
Copper Stout
Due to changes in the game day and his personal life, Eric was only with us for a couple of episodes this time.

Charles Cushman
Classified and Ghost Town
Also guest on G.I. Joe: A Real American Headcast and Bravo Team
Co-hosts and guests from all of my shows
(in no particular order)
Ryan Daly
Original co-host on G.I. Joe A Real American Headcast. Also has been a guest on Head Speaks and Task Force X.
Currently can be found on The Fire and Water Network.
Nathaniel Wayne
Guest on G.I. Joe: A Real American Headcast and Task Force X.
Nathaniel can be found at The Council of Geeks.
Kyle Wagner
Guest on G.I. Joe: A Real American Headcast.
Kyle podcasts with Kevin over at The Fandom Network.
Jim Beard
Guest on G.I. Joe: A Real American Headcast and Bravo Team
Jim can be found podcasting at The Doctor's Beard and his written work can be found on Amazon (among other places).
Also on Facebook. And look for Becky's Books.
The Irredeemable Shag
One of the men I blame for my podcasting addiciton. A mentor to me.
Has appeared on Head Speaks. and Task Force X.
Founder and hosts of many shows on The Fire and Water Network.
And an all around great guy.
Xum Yukinori aka Professor Xum
Guest on Head Speaks episode 40, part of the Armageddon 2001 storyline.
Professor Xum was an incredible artist/podcaster who was sadly taken from us too soon.
RIP Professor Xum. You are missed. The good professor's work can be found on
Buzz Dixon
Guest on G.I. Joe: A Real American Headcast/Bravo Team.
Buzz was heavily involved with the G.I. Joe cartoon (developer, story editor and writer) also wrote a lot of stuff from my childhood/teen years.
Check out Buzz at his website.
Jim Miel
Guest on G.I. Joe: A Real American Headcast
Jim is a listener of the show who joined us for an episode. Jim has also been appearing on The Long Box Crusade.
Bill Ratner
Guest on Bravo Team.
Bill was the voice of Flint from A Real American Hero along with lots of other voice work.
Bill was a delight to talk to.
Bill's website is:
Mike Irizarry
Guest on Bravo Team.
Mike is one of the hosts from What's On Joe Mind. Another great show talking about G.I. Joe.
Gene Hendricks
Guest on Head Speaks and G.I. Joe: A Real American Headcast.
Gene is a fan of G.I. Joe and an expert on all things Star Trek!
Gene hangs his single over on the Two True Freaks network.
Paul Linke
Interviewed on the Halloween episode of The Star Bright Project.
Paul was in two episodes of Quantum Leap. A great guy and great guest.
Julie Ann Lowery
Interviewed on The Star Bright Project.
The beautiful Julie Ann was in three episodes of Quantum Leap, Miss Deep South and both episodes of the two part Lee Harvey Oswald.
Ginna De Los Rios
Bill Bere
Kyle Benning
Original co-host on G.I. Joe A Real American Headcast.
Ben Avery
Sean Friedman
Guest on G.I. Joe: A Real American Headcast.
Justin Francueor
Special on the scene reporter for G.I. Joe: A Real American Headcast.
Justin is also involved with DC in the 80's.
Michael Bailey
aka Podcasting's own... Michael Bailey
Guest on Head Speaks and Task Force X.
Michael talks about all things Superman over at The Fortress of Baileytude.
Michael is another great podcaster and I consider him another mentor of mine.
Tom Panarese
Paul Hix
Guest on Task Force X.
One of the co-hosts from Waiting for Doom.
Larry Hama
Interviewed by Justin for G.I. Joe: A Real American Headcast.
Larry is the creator of G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero. Wrote the file cards and wrote most of the series.
In addition to Joe, Larry worked on a lot of other titles and created a lot of awesome stuff. Plus he was in an episode of M*A*S*H* (See M*A*S*HCast for more information on that).
Austin Hough
Guest on Bravo Team.
Austin is creator and driving force behind Super Joe. Check out his great work at
Jay Bartlett
Guest on Bravo Team.
Toy collector and host of Action Figure Adventures.​
Check out Jay's Youtube channel.
Deborah Pratt
Interviewed on The Star Bright Project.
Creator and writer, Deborah is one of the creators of Quantum Leap. Check out Deborah's website:
Guest and technical assistance on The Star Bright Project.
Former host of The Quantum Leap Podcast
Neil Santos
Guest on The Star Bright Project (The Halloween episode).
Neil's is Michelle's (my wife) best friend and joined us for an episode.​
Lee Fillingness aka The Smooth Norwegian
Frequent guest on VoyagersCast!.
Adam Worth
Guest on G.I. Joe: A Real American Headcast.
Host of The Quantum Cast
Clinton Robinson
Guest on G.I. Joe: A Real American Headcast and Head Speaks.
Clinton can be found over on The Long Box Crusade, hiding in their basement, among other places.
Peppy Pat Sampson
From The Long Box Crusade.
Former co-host on G.I. Joe: A Real American Headcast and Bravo Team.
He has also guest starred on Head Speaks.
Jason Alberich
John Jack
Guest on Head Speaks episode 36, part of the Armageddon 2001 storyline.
Mike Garvey
Guest on Task Force X.
One of the co-hosts from Waiting for Doom.
Paul Kupperberg
Guest on Task Force X
Paul is a fantastic writer, editor, and all around creator.
Check out his website.
Guest on Bravo Team.
Chad is also Articulated Toy Guy and one of the best Joe toy collectors I know and an all around great guy.
Check out Chad's Youtube channel at
Zack Hoffman
Guest on Bravo Team.
​Voice of Zartan on G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero amongst other great work. Zack is also a writer.​
Zack's website is:
Jon Bryans
Guest on Bravo Team.
Creator of Action Mice and other great characters.​
It's Action TIME!
Tim Price aka The Podcrasher
Guest on The Starman/Manhunter Adventure Hour.
Tim is an official podcrasher and co-host of several podcasts at:​​​
Michelle Joyner
Interviewed on The Star Bright Project.
Michelle is an actress that played Sister Angela in the episode "The Right Hand of God" along with other movies/shows.
Michelle can be found online at:
Guest on The Star Bright Project.
A friend of Hayden's who joined us for an episode or two.
Robert Myers
Guest on Task Force X. Robert joined me to watch and review Suicide Squad.
Robert hosts the show Everyone Loves The Drake.​​